Saturday, December 16, 2006

Finally home

Last week I got home from Istanbul, so this last sound is actually not from istanbul. But the last few days were filled with some small things. A last concert on a top roof of a six store building with a nice view on the bosphorus at night. Visiting an old dutch church near the dutch consulate, with hardly any dutch people. Meeting with some turkish friends in a kind of studio. Where there was a guy who had lived a few winters in holland almost next to my home. Meeting with some foreign people, trying to live in Istanbul. Buying a darbuka and a ney, which are both quiet familiar in Turkey. So one thing was to get it all back to holland, within the allowed amount of luggage. It took me a while, but ev'rything is back home. If you want to see some more pictures, come on come over. See you next time in iStANbUl.



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