Sunday, November 12, 2006

Black & White television is getting some colour.

After five days of Kygyzstan, slowly able to find my way, although it’s completely different than my expectations. The roads are most of the time horrible, it’s jumping & bumping.
The first two days we did some very tiring rehearsels, too long, and too slow, because there were actually no good sheets, I first had to write some proper sheets, and than the equipment really sucks, it’s like doing a cesarian section with a kitchen knife. We did a concert in a kind of very long and small class room with only concrete walls, which is used by a church. And later a concert in a kind of cinema, and the day after in a big church, where hey had food equipment, but didn’t use it in a proper way, which is quiet frustrating.
In some mentality things, there seem to be a similar kind of thing as in africa, almost everytime they are too late for appointments, and things are almost always going different, and they are very spare in giving us information on what is going to happen, which creates a lot surprises.
Most of the time we stay in one place, named Tokmok, and from there we go with a mercedez benz bus with our equipment to the place where we are going to play,
It’s like a big lesson for practising love, grace & patience

For breakfast and lunch there is someone who prepares it, and in general the food is good, but for breakfast they make quiet often things with meet, sausages or a similar thing, so we are trying to make clear that that is absolutely not necessary.
And in the evening we most of the time eat along the road in a kyrgyz restaurant, with a menu card none of us can read, so everytime the kyrgyz that are with us have to translate it for us to make a choice.
Tomorrow we will go to the mountains and visit three different places in the mountains where we will do three concerts within three days. So hopefully we will see something more of the country. The contact within the group with the Kyrgyz people is improving, which is giving more colour to live here, and to discover things that are similar. At the moment almost everyone of our group is having a cold, so a lot of coughing, sneezing.

Дфеукб фцукеявамло івак кіе аронггл уа гйцугш акег чамь аеи я



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